Convert visits to sales to repeat purchases

The moment you start seeing more than a thousand unique visitors in just one day, we won’t be surprised if you’d be grinning ear to ear the entire week. But when weeks turn into months, you’ll then remember why you started off on this venture in the first place … and it wasn’t about just owning an immensely popular website.
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis

Any business in the manufacturing industry would know that anything can happen in the development stages of the product. And while you can certainly learn from each of these failures and improve the process the next time around, doing so would entail a lot of time and money.
Six Sigma

Six Sigma has received much attention worldwide as a management strategy that is said to have brought about huge improvements and financial gains for such big-name companies as Allied Signal, General Electric (GE) and Motorola.
Total Quality Management

Total Quality Management (TQM) is another business management approach that focuses on the involvement of all members of the organization to participate in improving processes, products, services, and the culture in which they work in. It is important that every team member realizes how each individual and each activity affects, and in turn is affected by, others.
Quality Assurance

There is a truism that goes “The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after the sweetness of low price has faded from memory.” While every consumer can probably relate to this idea, business enterprises offering goods and services are the ones that should heed this the most.
ISO Certification and Training

ISO, or the International Organization for Standardization, is a global standard-setting body, made up of a network of various standards organizations from among its 162 member-nations. ISO is a vital force in the manufacturing industry, promoting industrial and commercial global standards for specifications and requirements in materials, products, procedures, information, and quality management.
Maturing Into CMMI

In all likelihood, the reason why you landed on this page was because you were seeking CMMI experts to help you meet the demands of a growing number of potential clients who require CMMI compliance. Whether or not you’re here for that reason, you might want to know why CMMI or Capability Maturity Model […]
IT Systems Implementation

Although a rigorous Acceptance testing process can spot a wide spectrum of flaws in a newly constructed IT system, there is no way it can identify all possible defects. The moment the IT system is delivered into the hands of actual end users and other stakeholders, it is effectively stepping out of a controlled and secure environment.

Are you ready to outsource? Do you even need to outsource? We’ll help you answer those and other questions regarding outsourcing and your company.
How to carry out an Operational Review

Learn how you can undertake an operational review, what key areas are involved, and how to carry out the report presentation.