Operational Efficiency Initiatives

When was the last time you checked your technology spendings against your IT infrastructure’s contribution to the bottom line? Chances are, what’s happening underneath all those automated processes, expensive hardware, and fancy graphical user interfaces is not doing your bottom line any good.
Align IT Investments With Organization Goals

While some organization leaders loathe spending on IT, a growing number are already convinced of the necessity of investing in it. Unfortunately, a substantial fraction of those convinced to pursue IT investments are misguided as to which initiatives are really contributory to reaching their organization’s goals.
Advanced Business Management

Many businesses invested heavily on continuity planning in preparation for the Y2K bug. But when the bug failed to bite, general perception on business continuity planning (BCP) gradually saw it as nothing more than an expensive, inconvenient exercise. However, situations like USA’s Katrina and 9/11, the threat of an H1N1 pandemic, and Europe’s unusual winter in 2010-2011,?now stand as wake up calls.
Data Replication

It is necessary to store your data in a replicated setup so that when one section goes down, operations can proceed without interruption.
Disaster Recovery

Few businesses survive after getting hit by a major disaster. Increase your chances of survival with a disaster recovery plan.

Although virtualization is still considered bleeding edge technology by many business continuity specialists, it definitely brings a promise that, once fulfilled, can result in the cheapest, fastest, and most comprehensive solution for business continuity.
Risk Assessment

Risk assessment is a vital component in BC planning. Through risk assessment, your company may determine what vulnerabilities your assets possess. Not only that, you’ll also be able to quantify the loss of value of each asset against a specific threat.
What is Business Intelligence?

Make quick, well-informed decisions. Run your business intelligently now.
IT Security and the Threats from Within

Even in an economic downturn, threats to IT security can still be on a rise.
Network Security

The easiest way for an external threat to get to your private data is through your network. The easiest way to eliminate that threat? Get your data out of the network. Of course, we know you wouldn’t want to do that.