If done right, migration to the cloud can benefit tremendously. Cloud migration is the process of moving your data, applications and other components inside your organisation to a cloud-based structure.
When you talk about cloud, the leading cloud providers like Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS and Google Cloud Platform come into mind. At Denizon, we provide cloud-neutral services that integrate with the leading cloud-based solutions with ease.
Many organisations are held back in terms of growth and scalability because of their inability to manage and maintain their growing information infrastructure.
Moving to the cloud however ensures lower upfront costs, scalability, and expansion to new geographies. Read on to find the advantages of migrating to the cloud:
Migrating to the cloud improves operational efficiency. Working in the cloud removes region specific dependencies thus making teams more productive, collaborative and efficient.
The time for procuring new storage space is reduced to a matter of hours or a few days with migration to the cloud. This improves the agility of the system in this rapidly changing technological world.
Cloud packages offer several useful features like automatic logging, continuous deployment, disaster recovery, and monitoring. These bundled services offer extra functionalities over your existing services.
Cloud solutions usually have robust security programs. We help optimise this security by providing features like visibility and security analytics in your cloud environment.
The cost of services in the cloud is reduced in comparison to bare-metal deployments. You can use a pay-as-you-use model which provides flexibility to counter seasonal demands. You can easily scale up your storage without having to procure new servers and keep it idle for prolonged periods of time.
Cloud environments usually offer a no downtime promise, thus increasing resource availability. This leads to customer satisfaction and better asset utilisation in the long run.
Server updates are rolled out regularly in cloud services. This leads to automatic security updates and feature updates at the customer end. This further leads to faster deployment time.
Moving to the cloud essentially means that you reduce the number of data centers that your company needs. This leads to an overall reduced footprint.
We help you with:
Denizon accelerates and simplifies migration using a flexible platform. We strategise your cloud migration by utilising the philosophies of Gartner’s 5R strategy for cloud migration. Garter’s 5Rs are great starting points for deciding on a cloud migration strategy especially suited for you:
If someone asks me what cloud computing is, I try not to get bogged down with definitions. I tell them that, simply put, cloud computing is a better way to run your business. – Marc Benioff, CEO of Salesforce.com
We help you decide which applications you should keep in-house and those you should migrate to the cloud. Some applications can have special needs inside your organisation and may contain databases and features that are required for internal processes.
Some apps, on the other hand, need to be dragged and dropped into a cloud architecture for easier disaster recovery, administrative advantages, reduction in geographic dependencies, faster deployment, and reduced costs.
The consideration, in this case, however, is the huge amount of rework required to package old applications into the cloud. Moving applications into the cloud also require the expertise of highly skilled software engineers who understand the technical interactions that take place in a cloud environment. This is where we come into the equation. We provide full-fledged support to migrate your applications to the cloud.
Denizon also help you to create your cloud migration checklist before you get started. The checklist illustrated below gives you a basic idea about what you need to do before deciding to move to the cloud:
The first step is to decide on the amount of storage you need and the amount overhead you will need.
We help you build the appropriate virtual workspace in advance and be selective about your hosting options and pricing.
You are in control.
Licensing of networking environments revolves around the number of users or the number of devices. When in the cloud, the licensing model revolves around the virtual processor counts and the ability to scale application servers and services. We help you research the most suitable licensing cloud model to suit your business needs.
Your existing network devices employ hardware acceleration to deal with heavy traffic. Virtual routers and switches on the cloud, on the other hand, might not actually be able to meet your high traffic needs. We help you audit your current traffic needs before actually assuming that cloud-based solutions will be able to handle those needs with ease.
Access control list (ACL) helps regulate user and service activities. Migration to the cloud can also affect your ACL dependences. We help you review your ACL dependencies so everyone and everything can function, when shifting to the new cloud design.
We also help you audit your statically or dynamically assigned IP addresses. When migrating to the cloud architecture, old DHCP static addresses and scopes will likely change. A prior audit of existing IP addresses makes it easier to ensure that dependent sockets are not broken down during or after migration.
Changing your existing host location to a cloud’s host location can throw your SSLs off track. Hence, we help you review how and where you use your SSLs. We also help you prepare to replace them or renew them when shifting to a new cloud environment.
Denizon also help you to create your cloud migration checklist before you get started. The checklist illustrated below gives you a basic idea about what you need to do before deciding to move to the cloud:
The first step is to decide on the amount of storage you need and the amount overhead you will need.
We help you build the appropriate virtual workspace in advance and be selective about your hosting options and pricing.
You are in control.
The first step is to decide on the amount of storage you need and the amount overhead you will need.
We help you build the appropriate virtual workspace in advance and be selective about your hosting options and pricing.
You are in control.
The interaction between physical and virtual machines must be recorded and compiled. These details should be saved in one or more highly secure locations.
According to industry standards, the period for retaining the cloud data ranges from three months to 12 months or more. It is essential to define the data retention policies properly and then implement it. There should be no inconsistencies between the policy and the actual implementation of the procedure as this might lead to compliance-related issues.
We help your enterprise accelerate the process of creating a cloud strategy and deploying it efficiently and rapidly. We have a next-generation data analytics platform and a team of experts who understand the ins and outs of cloud migration. After deploying your solution to the cloud, we help in:
We help you identify the risks and threats to your cloud environment by carrying out regular security analytics.
Our built-in advanced analytics helps intelligently detect anomalies in your cloud infrastructure.
We provide a unified platform to store metrics and logs that help you analyse data, monitor apps and perform root cause analysis.
To support rapid growth, we offer easy scaling capabilities.
Get advice on the advantages of migrating to the cloud in terms of Efficient Team Collaboration, Speed, Bundled Services, Security, Cost Savings, Resource Availability, Automatic Updates and Reduced Footprint.